InCode Like A GirlbyDebra LobelHow I Overcame Sexism Early in my Careerand how you can too!Feb 27, 20175Feb 27, 20175
InOneZerobyDebra LobelHow I Survived Nearly 40 Years in Silicon Valley as a Woman in TechMy story of Silicon Valley from the ’80s to nowMar 6, 20203Mar 6, 20203
InCode Like A GirlbyDebra LobelThe First Program I Ever WroteI’ve been a software developer for more than four decades. The changes and capabilities during that time in both hardware and software are…Feb 11, 20178Feb 11, 20178
InCode Like A GirlbyDebra LobelConfessions of a Female Computer GeekCounting, Patterns, Puzzles, and ProgrammingAug 6, 2017Aug 6, 2017